One of the most common refrains I hear among marketing solution providers in the channel is that any kind of partner marketing initiative must be blindingly simple for partners to execute. If you require partners to do so much as press a button from time to time, that may be too much to ask. God forbid you ask your partners to put some effort into their campaigns. The ideal scenario is for your partner to just open their mouth so your automated message can tumble out.
Marketing Automation
Does HubSpot Walk their Talk on Social Media?
The story that several HubSpot customers and prospects tell is that once they were attracted as an inbound lead, they were handed over to a high-pressure and highly scripted inside sales process.
The Social Perils of Through Partner Marketing Automation
Successful social marketers offer links to objective content that is relevant to their customers, they offer their own insights on articles they read and share with the community, and they respond to the discussions that are driving engagement without relying on automatic responders.
Send in the Clones? Automating Social Media
From SEO to lead nurturing, businesses are driving toward an automation that takes the human cost–and the human touch–out of the process as much as possible.
Will Big Data Lead Your Company Astray?
Somehow, it’s taken on faith that Big Data will let you capture anything and everything you want, and make sense of it automatically with the magic of technology.
The Difference Between Social Media Monitoring and Intelligence
To understand why intelligence is qualitatively different than monitoring, and why it’s so valuable, consider the following longitudinal market analysis we just completed.
Turning Customers Into Social Shills
If people saying good things about your company helps sales, then why not just go out and generate good conversations? — Here’s why.